Burr Grinders VS Blade Grinders

Burr Grinders VS Blade Grinders

It's time to explain the paramount importance of your grinder in the realm of coffee preparation.

Coffee beans, like little flavour powerhouses, contain a whole world of possibilities locked within them. But to truly unleash their full potential, they need to be properly ground.

You see, the humble coffee grinder is not a mere tool; it's a vital instrument that holds the key to unlocking the mesmerising flavours and captivating aromas hidden within those beans. The act of grinding is a sacred ritual that transforms whole beans into precisely sized particles, creating a harmonious playground for extraction.

Why is this precision so critical? Well it all comes down to surface area. By grinding the beans, we maximise their surface area, enabling the brewing method of choice to extract the perfect balance of flavours.

But, not all grinders are created equal…


Let's start off with blade grinders.

These impostors, in almost every aspect, are no different than regular blenders and would honestly do a better job making your morning smoothie. The issue with using such a grinder for coffee lies in the fact that they smash the beans into unevenly sized bits, leading to inconsistent extraction, and unfortunately a cup that is tastes terrible.

Now don't get me wrong, blade grinders are a step-up from buying pre-ground coffee, but if you truly want to take your coffee game to the next level, investing in a burr grinder is the way to go.


Unlike their blade counterparts, burr grinders are precision instruments designed to create a uniform and consistent grind size.

This ensures that every particle of coffee receives equal treatment during the brewing process resulting in a balanced extraction. A top of the range burr grinder will reign supreme, as its meticulous grind consistency ensures an even extraction, captivating every drop of flavour potential within the grounds.

In most burr grinders you'll find a bottom burr connected to the motor while the top burr can be adjusted vertically to set the desired fineness. These burrs can be crafted from either steel or ceramic, and the choice really depends on the specific use of the grinder.

Ceramic burrs have a lower thermal conductivity (meaning they take longer to heat up) compared to steel, however some argue that steel dissipates heat faster and cools quicker. Both have their own merits so it's mostly down to personal preference.

The conical shaped burr grinder spins at a speed of 300-500 rpm, creating a whirlpool like effect which draws the coffee beans towards the larger bean breaker segments. These segments are responsible for the initial action. As the bean fragments become smaller, they progress to the next stage of the grinding process, where the teeth become finer and the action shifts from a crunch to a slice.

One advantage of conical burrs lies in the their slightly more precise adjustment. Unlike flat burrs, where the cutting edges are parallel, conical burrs have cutting faces at angle of around 60 degrees. This means that when you make an adjustment of 0.5mm on a conical burr, the burrs will only move 0.25mm closer, for instance.

However it is worth noting that most modern grinders are designed with mechanisms that allow fine adjustments regardless of burr type.


Uniformity refers to how similar or dissimilar the sizes of grind particles are to each other at the specific grind setting. Each particle size behaves differently during the brewing process, and roughly halving the size of a coffee particle increases its extraction rate four-fold.

Having a wide range of grind particles is less than ideal as it leads to issues. Fine particles known as 'fines' tend to over- extract, while large particles known as 'rubble', under-extract. The challenge finding that sweet spot where grind particles are consistent.

This is where the top of the range grinders shine, as they increase uniformity and maintain a desirable grind size distribution. To achieve this, razor sharp burrs play a crucial role. They ensure coffee beans are cut correctly and generate minimal heat during the process.

When coffee is ground finer, the increased surface area allows for quicker extraction due to the water accessing the flavourful compounds more efficiently.

During percolation brewing, such as espresso, the water has limited contact time with the coffee. It flows through, extracting flavour along the way. Here, the finer grind acts a barrier of resistance, preventing the water from rushing through and under-extracting.

Finding the right balance is key. It involves fine-tuning the grinder to achieve a desirable contact period between water and coffee. This, in turn, corresponds to a specific grind size.

For example, with a French Press, the fineness of the grind only affects the extraction rate since the water and coffee contact period is determined by the person making the brew.

One of the key challenges we face revolves around the language and communication surrounding grind fineness. It is undeniably one of the most crucial variables in brewing, however even now, it remains impossible for me to precisely tell you on how fine or how coarse your coffee should be. Even when comparing identical grinder models, minuscule differences in manufacturing or assembly can lead to subtle differences in grind size.

But, fear not my friend, for within this challenge lies a realm of excitement and discovery. Part of the joy of crafting exceptional coffee is adjusting your grinder, carefully analysing the resulting flavours, and embarking on an adventurous journey of experimentation. It's through this process that you'll uncover your recipe for coffee perfection.

So, embrace the beauty of the unknown, savour the exploration, and with those flavours guiding you, you’ll inch closer to that ultimate cup of coffee.

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